HADDOCK, PARKER & CO., Chemicals, Oils, and Produce Brokers, Export Agents, 14, Chapel Street, Liverpool. It is computed that some 10,000 persons, including authors, artists, producers, and workpeople, are attached to and gain a livelihood from this firm. Staff: Over 500 people are employed in the publishing business alone, without counting editors, translators, and the hundreds of workers engaged in the bookbinding departments. In addition to the Paris and London establishments, the firm has over 750 railway bookstalls in France, and carries on a very extensive newspaper distributing agency all over France and her Colonies.
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Minoggio, and has pro duced the extensive series of works for the study of French, German, Spanish, Italian, and other European languages. The London branch is directed by the firm's English agents, A. Founded primarily for the publication of classical works, the house now issues general literature standard works in history, geography, memoires, belles lettres, science and art, voyages prize and gift books, musical publications, and the famous Joanne Series of French and English guide-books. Established: In Paris, by Louis Christophe Francois Hachette, in 1826 London branch established in 1859. Paris: 79, Boulevard Saint-Germain London: 18, King William Street, Charing Cross, W.C. Bankers: National Provincial Bank of England, Ltd., Head Office. Telegraphic Address: " Strapping, London." Code:A B C (5th Edition).

Government (Admiralty, War Office), London County Council, various Railway Companies, &c. Connection: United Kingdom, Foreign, Colonial. Awards: Gold Medals, Antwerp, 1885, 1894 Amsterdam, 1895 Brussels, 1897 Cross of Honor, Amsterdam, 1895 Diploma of Honor, Antwerp, 1894 Brussels, 1897. Specialities: High-class Leather Belting for all classes of Machinery, Chrome Leather for Picking Bands, &c. H., SON & CO., Tanners, Curriers and Belting Manufacturers, Horselydown Leather Works, Tower Bridge, London, S.E. Telegraphic Addresses: " Haacke," London, Liverpool, Glasgow and Middlesbrough. Patents: Fossil Meal, " Non-Con," `` Turpent." Connection: World-wide. Asbestos Manufacturers, Cork for Ice, &c., Plants. Specialities: Sole Proprietors of the original Fossil Meal Composition and of the " Non-Con " and " Warnerite " Registered Compositions. Branches: 4, Great Mersey Street, Liverpool The Exchange, Middlesbrough 165A, St. Introduced Kieselguhr for many purposes, now largely used for commercial manufacturing purposes. Warner (Managing Director), John Warner, 1, Whalley. Incorporated as a Limited Company in 1907. HAACKE, A., & CO., LIMITED, Kieselguhr Merchants and Experts in Non-Conductors of Heat and Cold, Oil Merchants, Light Iron Workers, Proprietors of original Fossil Meal, Kieselguhr Wharf, Homerton, London, N.E. Note: This is a sub-section of 1914 Who's Who in Business